4 Dan Shimpan Reporting

Shinpan Requirements for Kendo 4th Dan
PNKF Kendo 4th Dan Shinpan Reporting Form

Download and print out this form. Take it with you to shinpan seminars and taikais and have court judges sign off on your shinpan floor time.

All PNKF 3 dans wishing to test for 4 dan in PNKF must complete this form and turn into the Vice President of PNKF before taking their 4 dan exam.

4 Dan applicants must complete at least 4 credits of shinpan floor experience before taking the 4 dan exam. Credits must be no older than 3 years, one credit is given for each shinpan seminar or full round of taikai experience. A “full round” is considered to be one complete rotation, 6-9 matches in length.